Creative Engagement
The Teacher-Artist Partnership (TAP) CPD Programme, initiated by the Department of Education and Skills, facilitates collaboration between teachers and artists to enhance arts education in primary schools across Ireland. The programme is coordinated by your local education centre. Teachers register to attend a free summer course where artists and teachers develop a project idea together. This is followed by a funded Artist Residency in your school. The programme aims to nurture the abilities of both teachers and artists while promoting high-quality arts education for children TAP is a fully funded programme supported by the Department for Education with EPV day approval.
Funded by
Various government departments
Managed by
The National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals ( NAPD)
Primary Schools, Post Primary Schools,
Funding Available
Applications Open
Application Deadline
Apply Through
Dermot Carney, Chief Arts Officer NAPD,
Leitrim Youth Arts
Leitrim County Council
Aras an Chontae
Carrick on Shannon
Co. Leitrim

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