About leitrim youth arts
When we invest in young people’s creativity, we are investing in the future creativity of our society. Children & Young People continue to be a key priority for Leitrim County Council as children account for approximately 27% of the population. Moreover, participating in the arts helps children to understand the world around them; it overcomes barriers, improves communication and academic skills, and sparks the imagination.
This website contains information about arts services that Leitrim County Council provide for children and young people in the county such as Leitrim Youth Theatre, Cruinniú na nÓg and the Wild Words programme for teenagers that are interested in creative writing.
We also provide information on other arts services available to young people in Leitrim including arts programmes available to schools and Music Generation Leitrim, which is part-funded by Leitrim County Council.


Leitrim Youth Arts
Leitrim County Council
Aras an Chontae
Carrick on Shannon
Co. Leitrim

© 2023 Leitrim County Council Arts Office